At Millchester State School we offer a range of extra-curricular opportunities for students to participate in, including:
- A range of sporting teams and activities including Cricket, Netball, Touch Football, Softball, Athletics and High Ropes.
- Specialist HPE, Music, Science and Technology lessons from Prep to Year 6
- Specialist Japanese lessons in Years 5 and 6
- Specialist Instrumental lessons for students in Years 4, 5 and 6
- Biennial School Musical (open to students from Prep to Year 6)
- Annual Eisteddfod with dedicated tuition at school in Music and Drama
- Swimming lessons delivered each year from Prep to Year 6
- Annual ICAS tests in Mathematics and English
- Social Emotional Skills program delivered weekly from Prep to 6
- School Leadership Program and Student Council
- Annual Japanese Speaking Competition for Year 5 and 6 students
- Reader’s Cup Competition for Year 5 and 6 students
- A range of other activities including Science Week, Under 8s Day, NAIDOC celebrations
- A variety of Arts and Drama performances presented by industry professionals each term
- A range of activities and programs offered by School Chaplain
- Participation in the Annual Country Music Festival and Charters Towers Show
- Participation in Charters Towers ANZAC and Remembrance Day Services
- Social Emotional learning experiences including RACQ Road Safety, Life Education, Brave hearts, Cyber safety, Breaka Bush to Beach Water Safety